Black Kite

'Golden Shadow' - Future Craft

Golden Shadow

Sculpted in ZBrush and rendered with just a single base metal texture. I then gave it the quick and dirty Photoshop treatment, adding all branding, colouring, lights... etc. 
I wanted a nifty, zippy looking vehicle which I would've loved as a kid. Something with the weight and compact power a current rally car has but with future tech and an appealing flow of form.

More Info

The name brand is in Russian, along with the name of the body kit which can be seen just in front of the 'cockpit'. Peeking out from the under belly behind the front lights is the brand logo of 'Conduce Comp System'. This would be the system of tiny nano receptors embedded within the composite material around the vehicle (They're mixed in while the material is still hot and liquidy before it's been molded and cooled - this also explains why there are no rivets, screws, bolts, nuts or nails to be seen - we wouldn't have them and they wouldn't be needed). It measures the outside environment for safety and performance purposes. The brand sitting just on the inside of the main intake opening, below the cockpit (it has the yellow and white block/triangle), is a Russian translation of 'Wireless-power'. The idea being you can park the craft over a recharge pad and all battery cells (situated in the bulbous underbelly) are recharged without any annoying cables/plugs. 
It's also got a lot of other real nerdy bells and whistles. Vroom.

ZBrush    Photoshop